Kricker Innovation Hub - Shawnee State University


Built in 1894, the Sanford, Varner & Co. factory building was a manufacturing hub in the heart of downtown Portsmouth for generations. Shawnee State University acquired this property, most recently a beauty school, with the goal of creating a center for local entrepreneur development and community engagement. Funded in part with a $2.7 million EDA Grant to stimulate tech jobs in rural communities, the shared campus/community facility serves as an outlet to support entrepreneurs from ideation through commercialization by creating an intensive, place-based accelerator.

This historic building had been renovated multiple times for varied uses and was in disrepair with a failing roof and parapets. The majority of fenestration had been filled in and the extent of original historic elements was unknown due to multiple layers of cladding. Our team developed a plan to restore primary openings, repair the masonry structure, and restore the recessed entry. Remaining historic cast iron details, uncovered during the construction phase, were incorporated into the design of the facade.  The project required a full MEP retrofit.

The lost tower cap and original north facing oriel window location are acknowledged and represented with a contemporary design approach. The tower often glows SSU blue, but features color-changing capability for special events. The design integrates a later addition, featuring graphic elements that tie this off-campus facility to the Shawnee State brand. At street level, fully operable glazing allows for fluidity into and out of the café and meeting areas, activating Chillicothe Street and opening up the facility for community engagement. This congregating space also acts as a connection point back to SSU's Main Campus which is visible from the café.  Transparency encourages the flow of participants through the floor plate which was organized with flexibility as a critical component. The storefront of the historic structure showcases collaborative co-working areas and a lounge area that is easily transformed to host large events and expos while huddle rooms and an executive conference room allow for more private work.

Upper levels of the facility include office space, conferencing, an exhibit hall and accelerator work suite to support the mission of the center; engaging entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity to achieve the goal of sustained job creation and retention.

EDA Grant

A359 was proud to support SSU throughout the grant administrative process. Our team coordinated design and construction  documentation, disbursement requests and critical documentation submissions.

.A future phase of this project will outfit a soaring fourth floor space featuring the original wood beamed structure uncovered and preserved during this renovation.

Community Impact

Kricker Innovation Hub has already become a transformative force in Scioto County, growing entrepreneurial spirit and significantly impacting the region. From its opening in the Spring of 2023 to the Fall of 2024 Kricker Innovation Hub's programs have led to:

50 Businesses Served

$1,608,208 in Private Investment

71 New Jobs Created

48 At Risk Jobs Retained

The revitalization of this recently dormant building is a testament that investing in historic infrastructure on our Main Streets and by placemaking with transparency, flexibility, and community in mind, we can physically enhance and support a strong mission.


Client Testimonial

“A359 has been an outstanding partner to work with on our landmark Kricker Innovation Hub project. We started with a tall order: Redevelop a 150-year-old building to include state of the art capabilities and cutting-edge technology, all while maintaining the historical integrity of its downtown location and a brand consistent with our adjacent campus. A359 has been first class all the way – their team delivers the professionalism and expertise of a big firm while remaining accessible, flexible, and personable. We are grateful for A359’s creativity, recognition of our needs and preferences, and sincere interest in the success of not only our building, but of our entire innovation hub program.”

Eric Braun, President - Shawnee State University